
Address and Contacts

Address and Contacts

Via delle Industrie, 17 - Z.I.
Maniago 33085 PN - Italy

Phone : +39.042771200
Fax : +39.0427731100
Email :

In compliance with Italian Law 196/03 and Regulation (EU) 2016/679, I hereby authorise Vipaco to process the data inserted exclusively for the purposes of providing the service. An explicit opt-in, or else compilation of the dedicated registration form, is required in order to receive promotional material. I can exercise my rights to know, delete, modify, update, integrate my data or oppose its use at any time by writing to Vipaco - Via delle Industrie, 17 - Z.I. - Maniago 33085 - Italy - +39.042771200 or by sending an email to